Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Reformation Day!

Happy Reformation Day!

Many folks know October 31st as Halloween, but do you also know that it marks a very significant day in the life of Christian church as well.  Many Christians mark today remembering the monumental moment when a young Augustinian monk by the name of Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses for debate upon the door of the Wittenberg Castle on October 31, 1517.

It is a day and an event with which every Christian should be familiar. And since we at New City Church are are Reformational church, today is a perfect opportunity to brush up on events that shape our historical identity.

Here are some good resources to learn more about this significant event, as well as an interesting article for reflection as you see zombies walking around Calgary today. 
And finally, and since our culture knows this day as Halloween, here is a provocative article by Russell Moore (Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) titled, "Why Zombies Matter."  After offering a theological commentary on our culture's fascination with zombies, he concludes, "So let's have some sympathy for zombies. And the next time you see the trailer for a zombie film, or see the picture of a corpse on the cover of a novel, remember that that was your story once too."

Happy Reformation Day!