Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Advent Season 2010

"Advent" simply means "coming" and it refers to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christmas, New City Church enters the story of the birth of Jesus in the four Sundays of Advent season beginning this Sunday, November 28th.

We often hear that Jesus is the reason for the season, but what does that mean?  Usually, it is a frustrated reminder from many Christians to push against the materialism that surrounds the holiday season.  Christmas is about more than decorations, presents, family.   And indeed it is.

But the Scripture details so much more than this.   Jesus is indeed the reason for the seaon, but so is the devil, the world, and you & me.   Does that sound odd to you?   Come worship with us this Advent season and grow in your understanding of the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. 

Friday, November 19, 2010

new audio & notes are online

New audio & notes are now online at New City Church:

This is (Still) My Father's World (John Ferguson)
What On Earth Are We Here For?--Part 1 (John Ferguson)
What On Earth Are We Here For?--Part 2 (John Ferguson)
What's Wrong With The World? (John Ferguson)
Outside of Eden (Mike Ivancic)
Following Jesus Into the City (Rohan Crown)

Sneak Peek of Nov. 21st Service

This Sunday, we'll be looking at Genesis 3:1-13, "Did God Actually Say...?  This is a continuation of our study in the series, The Renewal of All Things.

Here's the line-up of worship songs this week:

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Name Above All Names
How Deep the Father's Love For Us
* Jesus Messiah
Forever Grateful
I Will Rise
It Is Well With My Soul (click for a video telling the story behind this hymn)

Worship Service (November 21, 2010)

See you Sunday

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wise Counsel: Don't Use Email To Correct Others

Who has not sent an email and later regretted it?   Wise counsel is to be found here:

Perhaps the same could be said about posting comments on blogs & Facebook?

Sneak Peek of the Nov. 7th Worship Service

This week, Asst. Pastor Mike Ivancic will be teaching us from the book of Genesis as we continue our series, "The Renewal of All Things."   The lesson is entitled "Life Outside of Eden:  Two Brothers, Two Ways" and will be from Genesis 4:1-16 & Hebrews 11:4. [Click on the links to read and/or listen to the texts.]

Here's the worship service:

Worship Service (November 7, 2010)

As always, we are looking forward to an engaging, vibrant, warm service.   See you there.

U of Calgary is growing.

Glad to see that U of Calgary is growing. 30,838 under-graduate and graduate students are currently enrolled at the U of C, compared to27,763 students in 2007. Praying for the establishment of biblically based, missionally driven, Christ exalting ministries to be there.  A huge mission field just kilometers from the base of mission of New City Church.   Lord, open the doors....