Thursday, October 28, 2010

Movie: "Luther"

October 31, 1517, is literally a date that changed the world.  It started out innocently enough.   A young, Augustinian monk nailed 95 Theses for debate to the castle door of Wittenburg.   The events flowing out of this event led to what we now know as the Reformation.  

This Saturday--October 30--you are invited to a showing of "Luther," which helps to set the Reformation in its proper context.   We'll begin shortly after 6pm at the Confederation Park Activity Centre.  Refreshments will be served.    

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Story

Do you know the story?
[click here to read the story]

Sneak Peek of Oct. 24th Service

Why do people do what they do?  When people think of vocation and what they want to do with their lives, what do you think drives them?  Money? Power? Influence?  Popularity?

As we continue our series on "The Renewal of All Things," and as we wrap up the first part dealing with creation, we will be looking at the dignity of vocation.  Since work is a good thing--part of God's original intention for creation--we should learn to embrace work as a calling to serve both God and our neighbor.

Here's what's on tap for our songs on Sunday:

Call to Worship:
-  Forever
-  Great is the Lord

Song of Confession
-  Psalm 130 (From the Depths of Woe)
-  Mighty to Save

Communion Songs
-  Behold the Lamb
-  Before the Throne of God Above

Concluding Song:
-  Be Thou My Vision

Here's a concluding thought from the great reformer, John Calvin,
"...before sin entered the was necessary for men to occupy themselves with some work.  Why?  Because it was against our nature for us to be useless blocks of wood." 

new audio & notes are online: "The Good Samaritan" & "There Are No Ordinary People"

Audio is up from September 26 ("There Are No Ordinary People") & October 3 ("The Good Samaritan"). 

Synopsis for "There Are No Ordinary People":  If we were to truly grasp the significance of being created in the image of God, we would stand in renewed awe of God's creativity and His gift of life."

Synopsis for "The Good Samaritan":  Who is my neighbor?   That is the question that a lawyer wanted Jesus to answer.   In response, Jesus gives one of his greatest stories:  The Story of the Good Samaritan. 

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Small groups are starting...

Below is a listing of the small groups that are offered during the 2010 Fall Semester. 

Community Groups:  We will be going through at 10 week look at the gospel and Christianity unpacking how the good news addresses every sphere of our lives
  • Wednesdays 7:15-9pm @ Teresa Bravo's (led by Mike Ivancic)
  • Thursdays 7-9pm @ Calvin & Suzanne Van Hill's (led by John Ferguson)
Ladies Bible Study:   Come join the ladies of New City as we learn how our individual stories fit within God's larger story.   We will be studying the Scripture through a study entitled Living Story: Learning God's Story of Grace.
  • Beginning Oct. 19, Tuesdays  9:30-11:30am at  Henrietta Van Huigenbos (led by Heather Ferguson)
Check the calendar for more details & directions.